The usual invoicing processes often leave room for multiple errors which are then corrected during reconciliation. With SAP Business One + GST One data reconciliation becomes much easier as we move towards e-invoicing. It solves major data reconciliation problems by creating precise invoices & giving them unique identification number that comply with statutory requirements, making sure that errors & mismatches are greatly reduced. This makes process of GST reconciliation effortless.

GST One is the premium e-invoicing add-on software that’s built just for SAP Business One. That’s right, your favourite ERP along with GST One is ready to tackle the e-invoicing challenge. SAP Business One is known for automation & streamlining processes, which is also to e-invoicing hence eliminating manual entry, errors or paperwork. There is no need to either upgrade or get another ERP. SAP Business One + GST One have got e-invoicing covered.

Ease of use is the first thing that’ll come to mind once you use GST One. With GST One you can generate b2b e-invoices & e-way bills with IRN, do bulk operations, use custom filters, customize templates as per the requirement & much more. All this from within SAP Business One where you have access to your entire database. This tandem of both takes ease of use to a whole new level.

With GST One integrated into SAP Business One your e-invoicing becomes much faster & accurate. And this accuracy & fastness can be witnessed in key areas of e-invoicing such as generating e-way bills & invoicing in bulk, less to no errors while reconciliation, transaction & reports at the click of a button etc. the list goes on. With GST One, you can rest assured that all you e-invoicing needs will be taken care of.

Key Features of GST OneGenerate eInvoices & eWay Bills
GENERATE E-INVOICES AND E-WAY BILLS directly from SAP Business One in one click. Generated details are saved on the document itself – no need to go to the portal or copy paste details between SAP Business One and Portal.
Generate Multiple Documents
If you have several documents, you can GENERATE E-INVOICE OR E-WAY BILLS FOR ALL documents just by selecting them in a list and clicking on one button.
GST Number Verification / Returns Validations
You can also VERIFY GST NUMBER & ADDRESS for customers and suppliers. You can also VERIFY RETURNS SUBMITTED by suppliers.