Are you spending too much time for sending monthly statements from SAP Business One

Rollerblinds NZ Limited is one of the largest and fastest growing manufacturers of window blinds in New Zealand. They shifted to SAP Business One in early 2013.

As the general business practice they used to send monthly statements to all customers in the first week of every month. Even with SAP Business One – they were running report to print and courier all statements. Their accountant and one assistant would take 2-3 days to complete this whole exercise. With growing number of customers this was becoming difficult every month.

We introduced them to bConnect, our solution to automate documents and reports delivery from SAP Business One. Now bConnect generates and send all statements automatically in the background on 5th of every month. The statements are emailed to individual customers as PDF attachments.

They have further adapted bConnect to send order confirmations, invoices and payment reminders to customers, thereby saving several man days of work every month.

For more details on how bConnect can help you streamline your business communications, write to us on

Want more helpful information about processes in SAP Business One? Or would you like a more in-depth understanding of SAP Business One? Then get in touch with Accelon - a Certified SAP Business One Gold Partner & the most reliable ERP software provider in India.

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