Accelon’s Goa Excursion – A Memorable Journey 


Embarking on the Journey The Wednesday of 15th May was filled with excitement. Everyone in the office was filled with more enthusiasm than usual. Rightfully so, as it was officially the day, we started for our company outing to Goa. Everyone had been looking forward to it since its announcement.   Our much-anticipated trip to Goa […]

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Reasons Why SAP Business One ERP is Ideal for Pharma Industry

Top 5 Reasons SAP Business One is Ideal for the Pharmaceuticals Industry


The pharmaceutical industry is a vital one. They are the backbone of healthcare. Being innovative, following regulations, and relentlessly creating products that improve well-being.  They are a true beacon of hope and progress that continue to meet the various healthcare challenges of our time. From therapy, medicines, etc. for common illnesses to making breakthroughs for […]

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ERP Solutions vs. Accounting Software


Understanding the Differences Between the Two Today’s digital and modern business environment is highly competitive. The need for a robust and smart business management solution has never been clear. Firstly, they let enterprises accomplish complex operations without breaking a sweat. Second, the advanced features and business intelligence they provide help them make business decisions that […]

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B1Bazaar is a comprehensive Retail POS software

Exploring Retail POS Software & Management Solution – B1Bazaar


In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, small & medium businesses, especially retail, need efficient tools to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences. One such tool that has proven invaluable for MSME retailers is the Retail Point-of-Sale (POS) software – B1Bazaar. B1Bazaar is a comprehensive Retail POS software for all kinds of retail businesses. It […]

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Staying Competitive: The Benefits of ERP for Modern Retail Businesses

Staying Competitive: The Benefits of ERP for Modern Retail Businesses


The modern retail industry is very competitive. Modern retail businesses are constantly looking towards re-inventing their businesses if needed and are increasingly looking towards innovative solutions that can give them a competitive edge. Unique retail industry ERP software stood out as one of those solutions. Retailers today have realized the value of streamlined operations. ERP […]

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Why Garment Manufacturers Need ERP Software

Why Garment Manufacturers Need ERP Software


The global Textile and Fashion industry is one of the most dynamic. And Garment Industry is a key part of it. It is an industry where precision, speed, and adaptability are of utmost importance. To keep up with the competition and demand in the ever-evolving market, garment manufacturers are turning to modern technology. Technology that […]

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The Ultimate Guide to SAP Business One ERP for Small Businesses

The Ultimate Guide to SAP Business One – ERP for Small Businesses


In the dynamic landscape of modern business, small enterprises must be agile and streamlined to maintain their competitive edge. While SAP ERP solutions have traditionally been associated with large corporations, their transformative advantages are equally applicable to small businesses. Especially the ERP solution – SAP Business One. Renowned and trusted by over 75,000 micro, small, […]

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SAP Business One Implementation Stage Project Realization

SAP Business One Implementation – Project Realization


Project Realization is the third phase of the SAP Business One Implementation Process. It refers to the process of implementing SAP Business One, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses. This phase is a crucial step in the overall SAP Business One implementation journey, where the software is configured […]

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SAP Business One Implementation – Business Blueprint


Implementation of SAP Business One requires a careful and methodological process to be successful. Our last blog discussed the first phase in a proven methodology – Initial Analysis. Today we move on to the next phase – Business Blueprint. The Business Blueprint is a crucial phase in the SAP Business One implementation process. It serves […]

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SAP Business One Implementation – Initial Analysis & Project Preparation


Today’s dynamic business environment demands enterprises, whether micro, small, medium or large to seek out robust ERP solutions that can aid in streamlining operations, improve productivity, and gain a competitive edge. SAP Business One, designed specifically for SMEs, offers a comprehensive suite of tools to manage financials, sales, inventory, customer relations, and more. However, a […]

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GST E-Invoicing in SAP Business One Using GSTOne

GST E-invoicing in SAP Business One


Since its introduction in 2020, GST E-invoicing in India has come a long way. Initially, e-invoicing was applicable solely for large enterprises with annual aggregate turnover of INR 500 crore or more. But after the new mandates in April 2021 and 2022, enterprises with annual aggregate turnovers of 50 crores and 20 crores had to […]

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Finance and Accounting Using SAP Busniess One

SAP Business One for Finance & Accounting


Accounting & Finance is one of the most important pillars and an integral function of a business. It plays an important part in the positive growth of your business. So naturally, managing it efficiently at all times is as important as the process itself. While businesses can manage it on their own when at a […]

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Your choice of SAP Business One Partner Matters


SAP Business One is the most popular and favored ERP solution amongst Micro, Small, & Medium Enterprises. And rightly so, as it has consistently been the most comprehensive and an all-around SAP ERP software to streamline and centralize business operations. It helps you manage integral business processes such as CRM, Sales, Purchase, Inventory Management, Finance, […]

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SAP Business One for Retail Industry


Retail is an industry that is highly competitive. The never ending challenges and their changing nature ensures that retailers are always on their toes. Managing one is an equally challenging experience. Case in example, a few years back the retail space in India was fully offline. But in the past decade it has seen a […]

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SAP Business One Implementation


SAP Business One is the ideal ERP software for Small and Medium Businesses. Once you select SAP Business One after much deliberation & research, the next step is implementing SAP Business One. At this stage your choice of partner also comes into the picture. Selecting the right ERP Partner will not only help you avoid […]

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5 Crucial Steps to Ensure a Successful ERP Implementation


Selecting the right ERP solution for an organization can be a long drawn out process. There’s a lot of research involved in finding the perfect software and partner. Given the numerous options available today, choosing the ideal solution can get overwhelming. And as with everything, there are often hidden costs, which a good partner will […]

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Why invest in an ERP Solution?


Real-time information results in Considerably Improved & Accurate Business Insight. Collaboration is enhanced amongst departments thanks to users sharing data with each other easily in a timely manner. There’s a healthy reduction in operational costs as the business is it streamlines the business. Efficiency sees an upward growth through a common user experience across different […]

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ERP Quotes

Conditions Apply – Hidden Costs of Low ERP Implementation Quotes


An ERP solution is one of the greatest assets a company, whether growing or established, can invest in. These advanced business management solutions help you run day-to-day operations and more without a hitch. And getting an ERP that is suited to your business is a must as selecting a solution in itself can often be […]

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Decoding GST Compliance – FAQs


GST e-invoicing originally came into force on 1st October 2020 for business with annual turnover exceeding INR 500 crore. It was then extended to businesses exceeding annual turnover of INR 100 crore and came into effect on 1st January 2021. Coming back to the present, the new mandate of GST e-invoicing now includes businesses having […]

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Cloud – The Future of ERP


The business environment today changes in a flash. Thanks to the various technologies that are upgraded more frequently than we can keep up and also competition, that is equally adept at adapting to those changes. Keeping up with the current trends is the need of the hour as not doing so will surely set you […]

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ERP Customization – Getting the Most out of your Solution


At the time of reading this, there are high chances that your business already has an ERP system. Or you have made up your mind about a solution that is best suited to your business. And are now looking to add functionalities or processes that are unique to your business. Which has led you here […]

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ERP implementation

Everything You Need To Know About ERP Implementation


Right, so you’ve finally made a decision to go with an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution that is perfect for your business. After much research, consultation and deliberation you’ve arrived at the next step – ERP Implementation. Saying implementation is the most crucial part of your ERP lifecycle would be an understatement. It can make […]

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SAP Business One on Cloud – Quick, Simple and Affordable


Arguably, one of the best & most useful technological advancements of our time has been Cloud Computing. A technology that’s being used by masses today worldwide. Cloud has seen tremendous growth in the past two decades. So much so that brand new industries such as PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), SaaS, and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) which are now mainstream. […]

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SAP Business One Benefits

How your Business Benefits from SAP Business One


Used to be the case where the name SAP was just associated with the big brands and businesses. A popular notion was that SAP made business intelligence and management software’s just for the bigwigs of the industry. But SAP Business One has turned that notion around on its head and changed the whole perception. Since […]

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